Best Natural Homemade Tips to Get Black Hair

homemade natural tips for black hair

Do you have grey hair or white hair? If yes, then it would be quite embarrassing as well as not pleased by the other people. People having white or grey hair is quite troublesome and part of various kind of jokes. To avoid all comments, people try dyes which are available in the market but it contains chemical which will affect the hair and cost fortune.

Premature grey hair is a common problem for men and women; because of their modern lifestyle. The reason behind of such hair are exposure to pollution or air, natural chemical change in our body, genetic, stress, worry and much more. Lots of shampoos, lotions and dyes are available for hair but rather then giving good effect it harms and damage the hair. Herbal or home remedies are the perfect choice to get black hair as well as it will not damage the hair and never harm the skin.

Do You Want To Look Young?

Everyone has a desire to look young but white hair would be an obstacle. Have you tried chemical contained dye? If yes, then no need to worry because there are some effective home remedies that are definitely helpful to get rid from the white hairs. you must have to try below mentioned home remedies. The homemade stuffs are completely safe, effective and it will not have any side effects.

By trying these remedies you will look young and desirable. Most of us always dream for the thick and black hair in a natural way.

Thus, home remedies will prevent the premature white hair and develop thick, healthy and black hair and some of homemade tips are as follows –

1.  Onion Paste –

Onion paste is really effective to treat white hair. To achieve a desired result, you should have to apply the onion paste in your scalp, rub it gently and leave for some time to get it dried. In few days, you will find your grey hair is turning black gradually. To achieve a desired result, you must have to apply onion paste on your scalp daily.

2.  Lemon Juice and Gooseberry –

Gooseberry is also known as Amla and Amla is beneficial for hair problems. To get black hair, you have to mix gooseberry powder and lemon juice, then apply that mixture on your hair and scalp. For the best result, you must have to apply the mixture of gooseberry powder and lemon juice on daily basis and in few days you will be able to see result.

3.  Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice –

If you want to turn your white or grey hair into black, then massage your scalp and hair with a mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice. It is a very effective remedy which will definitely deliver the positive result. To achieve a desired result in less time then you must have to apply the mixture of oil (coconut) with lemon juice on daily basis. It will definitely treat your hair problem and give you a healthy, shiny and thick hair.

4.  Carrot Juice –

If you want to get rid of white hair then drink a glass of carrot juice daily, carrot juice is very healthy for overall health reasons as well as delicious in taste. It will also keep your hair healthy, thick and strong. Carrot juice has no side effects, so you can drink carrot juice as much you want. Most importantly, carrot juice can be easily prepared at home.

5.  Almond Oil & Sesame Seeds –

Grind sesame seeds and blend it with almond oil then apply that mixture on your scalp. for few weeks to get black hair. This solution is really effective and workable, with the use of this solution; you will get rid of the problem of white hair. When you prepare the solution, ensure that sesame seeds are grinned properly. Once you apply the oil with sesame seeds powder then leave it for at least half hour, then wash your hair with normal water.

6.  Orange Juice –

To get thick and black hair, you should have to drink orange juice. Oranges has the nutrients that will help you to get black hair naturally. To prepare a mixture you have to mash orange pulp and mix it with amla powder. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and leave it for sometime. Apply this mixture for few weeks to see the effective result.

7.  Ghee, Amla and Mullethi –

You have to prepare the mask with the combination of ghee, amla and mulllethi. For making mask, you need 1 KG pure ghee, 250 Gms of mullethi and 1 kg amla juice. Mix all together and heat it till the water evaporates then store that mixture in a container of glass. Wash your hair daily with this mask and you will find the very effective outcome and you will get the black colour hair.

8.  Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil –

Curry leaves are rich in vitamin B. To make a solution, you have to take coconut oil and some amount of curry leaves then boil oil with curry leaves. You must have to boil the solution 10 minutes. The solution will turn into black colour. Once it gets cool, apply the mixture on your scalp and hair and leave it for night. Wash your hair next day with shampoo.

9.  Onion and Lime –

Are you facing a problem of premature greying of hair? If yes, then make a mask of onion with lime juice. You just have to take out the 3 teaspoon onion juice and add 2 teaspoon lemon juice in it, mix all together and apply that mixture on scalp and hair. After applying the mixture, wash your hair after 30 minutes.

>> Click Here for Curd for Hair Growth

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