Natural ways to cure dry lips

Home Remedies for Dry Lips

5 home remedies for dry lips

Come winters and all you can experience longer conversations over coffee, bright cardigans, long cycle rides and more. But winter also bring with it dry lips/chapped lips. Keeping that in mind, we have narrow down some most impressive and healthy home remedy tips for dry lips. They help tackle with chapped lips and make your luscious lips shine bright and be healthy throughout the winter.
Here go the tips:

#1. Sugar scrub

One of the most effective ways to exfoliate your lips is to remove the dead skin. You can do it by scrubbing with sugar. Take ½ teaspoon of sugar and two drops of olive oil. Add sugar to the oil and mix it well. Take a small brush with a soft bristles. Scrub your lips with the mixture gently by using the brush. Do it for about 3 to 5 minutes. Wash it off with normal water. Then wipe gently and apply a lip balm.

#2. Honey

Honey is also a safe remedy for chapped lips. Take a small amount of it and apply and massage on your lips for a little. Do it before you go to bed. It not only cures chapped lips, but also dark lips caused by sunrays and excess smoking.

#3. Ghee

Ghee is considered as effective for dry lips as honey. Before going to bed, apply a few drops of ghee on your lips. When you get up in the morning wash it off gently and pat dry. This helps clear off the dead cells and give soft supple lips.

#4. Green tea bags

Green tea bags are other safe option to cure chapped lips. Don’t through the green tea bags after you use it. It can help you cure dry lips. Take a used green tea bag. Press it against your lips for about 3-5 minutes. Leave it for a while. You can try this for three to four times a week. It increases the moisture of your lips.

#5. Cucumber juice

You can also get rid of dry lips by applying cucumber juice on your lips. Take a cucumber. Peel it off. Crush it well so it can produce juice. Apply the juice on your lips. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry. Repeat it daily. You can find the difference starkly.

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