How to get rid of wrinkles at home – Natural Tips

home remedies for wrinkles

Natural Ayurvedic home remedies for wrinkles

Wrinkles are the most visible signs of skin aging. When it appears on face, hands or neck decolletage, it tends to get more visible. They badly affect your good-looking appearance. This leads to change the way you live and you want to live. The problem normally begins as fine lines on your skin. Over the times, they get deeper. Since it can be seen easily on your face, an immediate treatment is a must.
Though, there is no proper treatment to prevent fine lines, you can treat them.

Here are a few crazy home remedy tips:


Take a banana. Mash it up. Apply it all over your face. Leave for half an hour then wash it off.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapples are a good source of Vitamin C, which is an effective way to lower the risk of wrinkles. Take pineapple juice and message your face. Or mash up the fruit and apply it on all over your face.

Olive Oil

According to health experts, olive is a great option for skin treatment. It is helpful especially in terms of reducing wrinkles. The way is simple. Add a couple of drops of lemon to a teaspoon full of olive oil. Mix then properly. Apply it on your face. Rub it gently. You will an amazing improvement and reduction of wrinkles.

Honey & Lemon Juice

Take lemon and honey juice. Use it as a face pack. Mix them. Wait for nearly 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.


Among other fruits is papaya. It is good and effective to treat wrinkles. Take papaya and mash it up. Add a few drops of honey and lemon juice. Apply the mixture on all over your face. Repeat it once a week.
Other Options

Rose water, Honey

You can also try another option. Make a paste of rose water, honey. Apply it on your face. It will help reduce fine lines on your skin.

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