How to get rid lower back pain

lower back pain

Home remedies for back pain

In this day and age, backache or backpain has become one of the most common issues. Not only the elderly and middle-aged persons, but youngsters who work for long hours coupled with busy lifestyle also are reported to have backpain.  Our back loads the major amount of our body weight. So the problem is common more with people who are overweight.

The major causes of the pain are: lack of exercise, poor posture, too much stress, muscular tension, etc. If you are suffering from backache, Here are some home care tips to get rid of it.

Hot or Lukewarm Water

Take a bucket of slightly hot or lukewarm water. Add few drops of eucalyptus oil into it. Take a bath with this water daily. It helps deal with the backache as well as body pain. It also makes you feel stress-free.

You can always buy eucalyptus oil by clicking below :
Truly Essential Eucalyptus Essential oils (Plant and flower extracts) 15ml

Coconut Oil and Mix Camphor

Take coconut oil and mix camphor into it. Boil the mixture for at least 5 minutes. Store it in a bottle. Before going to sleep, massage with the oil twice in a week. You will get rid of backache gradually.

You can always buy eucalyptus oil by clicking below :
Anmol Gold Pure Coconut Oil, 500ml (Wide Mouth)Devinez White Camphor Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural & Undiluted, 30ml in Glass Bottle

Hot Water Bag

The heat based treatment helps recover backache. You can do it easily. Take a hot-water bag. Put it on back supported by a cushion. You can do it even while watching TV.

We can always buy eucalyptus oil by clicking below :
Easy care Hot Water Bottle Multicolor

Massage With Mustard Oil

One hour before going to take bath, massage your back with mustard oil. It is advisable to take bath with a hot water shower.

Buy Mustard Oil:
Patanjali Mustard Oil, 1L

Turmeric Milk

Add a pinch of turmeric to a warm glass of milk. Mix a few drops of honey into it. Take this on a regular basis. It helps eliminate your backache, body pain and cough and cold too.

Ginger Tea

While your brew your tea, add ginger into it as it helps lower the chances of backache. You can also massage your back with herbal oil for a quick relief.

Buy Green Tea : Lipton Honey Lemon Green Tea, 25 Tea Bags

Take A Tube Sock

Take a tube sock. Fill it with rice. Tie off end of the sock. Heat it in microwave for 3-5 minutes. Lay it wherever you have the pain. It works wonders in reducing back ache.

These are the best Home Remedies that will cure your lower back pain Permanently.

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