Amazing Makeup Looks For Winter This Year

makeup looks

You must keep your skin healthy so that you can attain your best look. Here, I will give you some tips on applying your makeup during the winter.

What is a Winter Look?

I am going to talk to you about a winter look for two reasons. First of all, winter looks are designed to help keep your skin moisturized. In the winter, I always struggle with chapped lips. Not only do they look bad, they also feel terrible. Others of you may struggle with chapped skin, not only on your lips. These tips will first teach you some tips on taking care of your skin in the winter then special application techniques to give you a different look during the frosty months.

Keep Your Skin Healthy –

First of all, you must keep your skin healthy. You can do this by practicing a few techniques. Cleanse your skin daily to keep your skin from drying out or feeling stretched in the cold. One way you can help your skin is by choosing a creamy cleanser instead of a gel-based cleanser. The creamy cleansers will give your face more moisture that it can hold onto throughout the day. You should also apply sunscreen if you are going to be outside. Though it is cold, and you may not usually think of sunscreen when you are putting on your winter jacket, you can get burnt during all times of the year.

Protect your face from the icy cold wind by pulling your jacket up or using a scarf. If you find that your skin is becoming red from the cold, apply a green-tinted moisturizer. You can apply this moisturizer either in one spot or on all of your face. This will help heal the pain but also help hide the redness.

To keep your skin from becoming flaky, apply a hydrating mask on a regular basis. If you let your skin continue to dry out without using anything to hydrate it, your skin will become very sensitive. Last of all, you can keep your lips from becoming chapped by regularly applying chapstick. One good idea is to apply the chapstick every night before you go to bed. The chapstick can sit on your lips all night without you eating and knocking it off, etc. This will allow your lips to heal during the night.

If you keep your skin healthy, then you will be able to enjoy your winter look instead of constantly having to worry about how your skin is holding up under the weather.

Color Matters –

During the winter, you lose your tan, and your face becomes its natural color. For some people, this can be quite pale. Color is pertinent if you are going to have a natural, glowing look during the winter. I am going to work through some different ways that you can add color to liven up your complexion, then I will work through tips that make your winter makeup unique.

If you have sensitive skin, check out these products to help you produce your cold-weather look.

1.  Bronzing Powder –

In the wintertime, bronzer can work wonders when your skin is pasty white if applied correctly. You shouldn’t add too much, but using it on a regular basis can help give your skin a natural color that will lay under any other makeup you apply and give you a slightly darker base to work from.

2.  Blush –

You must add blush to give your cheeks some color. Applying blush on top of the bronzing powder I mentioned above can help give your cheeks some vibrant color. You can choose peachy colors if you naturally have lighter skin. If you have darker skin, consider colors that fall more in the line with terracotta colored makeup.

3.  Mascara –

In the winter, it is typical to wear big coats that cause your face to be the real center of attention. Adding mascara can help bring out your eyes at any time of year. However, in the winter, having that color is especially important. If your face has a little color, then the mascara can add a dark layer of coloring, your face will seem to have multiple layers.

4.  Lipstick –

Lipstick is always a great way to add color to your face. This year lipstick colors are trending toward darker mauve colors. If you choose to use darker lipstick for your winter look, you should not use as much color in the other ways above. You can stay minimal with your other makeup and let your lips be the focus. If you use dark lipstick and other colors as well, your face will seem too busy. Choose one or the other.

Winter Hacks For Your Makeup –

If your foundation is thick or you simply want to make it bit thinner, try this hack. Put a little water on your foundation brush before application. Doing this will help give your foundation a slightly more natural, smooth look.

Use leftover lipstick for blush. If you have a lipstick color that you don’t wear anymore or that is simply too small to apply correctly to your lips, consider smudging the lipstick on your cheek. You can then use your finger to rub it in, and it will give you a natural blush.

Consider applying waterproof mascara. The cold will tend to produce tears in your eyes, especially if the wind is strong. By wearing waterproof mascara, you will guarantee your makeup won’t run even if your eyes get teary.

Give your eyes a special look. Help your eyes be the focus by applying winged liner around the edges. You can use the bronzer I mentioned above and combine it with a great look for your eyes. You can also add a smoky glow by applying a darker color as eye shadow. You could also consider going with a bolder color such as gold.

What Do You Use ?

The looks above will help give you a glowing look even through the cold, dry months. You can protect your skin and look amazing. Let me know in your comments below which looks you tried and what your favorite was.

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