Curd (Yogurt) for Weight Loss

yogurt for weight loss

Does curd or yogurt really help to lose weight? Yes, it is true that the people who are eating curd on a daily basis will get success in losing weight. Actually, eating curd means that a person has to cut on other calories and one has to do some exercise as well. Eating curd is so effective for weight loss as well as yogurt is an important part of the weight loss plans.

Can Eating Yogurt Help Lose Weight?

Curd is loaded with several health benefits. Curd is a great source of protein and calcium. If you are planning for weight loss or thinking to eat curd for losing your weight then you should have to keep some points in your mind. Thus, here are some points that you should have to keep in your mind before opting yogurt weight loss plan:

  • Many yogurts are available in the market, but the best yogurt for weight loss is fat free yogurt
  • Always chose the yogurt which are high in calcium and protein
  • Don’t buy yogurt which contained high carbohydrates or high sugar

The main advantage of eating curd is curd lose the weight around the stomach. Curds also have lactic acid bacteria which cleanse the intestine that will help in detoxification.

Is Yogurt Good for Weight Loss?

Yes, yogurt is too good for weight loss, include yogurt diet plan to lose weight. To lose weight you have to consume fewer calories and curd can help you in limiting the calories consumption. 8 ounces of plain nonfat curd contain only 127 calories. So, if you are thinking to lose weight then consume 3 servings of plain nonfat yogurt daily. In breakfast, you can consume a cup of curd with some whole grain cereal or you can eat plain curd, in place of cookies or potato chips in a snack.

Get Flat Abs with Curd

If you want flat abs then you should have to eat 18 ounces of curd in a day then you will be able to drop a jeans size. When you eat curd, calcium signals the fat cells to pump out less cortisol and make easier to reduce weight as well as the amino acid presents in curd will burn the fat.

How to Lose Belly Fat with Curd?

If you want to lose your belly fat then you should have to consume 1100 milligrams of calcium on a daily basis. For effective result, consume 18 ounces of plain yogurt diet every day.

Oatmeal & Curd:

Through the combination of oatmeal and curd, you can lose 5 pounds weight in just 5 weeks. A meal of 5 ounces of plain curd and one cup of oatmeal with a half cup of sliced berries (which is around of 350 calories).  If you include yogurt diet plan weight loss in your regular dietary then you will lose 5 pound weight in just 5 weeks.

How to Eat Curd in Our Daily Diet?

  1. Mix one cup of curd with half cup of fresh fruit and grain granola.
  2. Make a healthy breakfast with curd. Curd smoothies with fresh or frozen fruit which is packed with nutrients.
  3. Use curd recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks and in dinner.

How to use yogurt to lose weight?

To lose weight you have to burn calories, so if your aim is weight loss then follows the below step to achieve an effective result:

Step 1:
Eat nonfat curd in your lunch for weight loss. If you want to lose a pound weight in a week then you have to burn or consume 3500 fewer calories than you normally eat.

Step 2:
Add fresh fruit or whole grain granola in your curd to make the lunch more filling. Fruits will add minimum calories.

Step 3:
Prepare a curd smoothie for your lunch. Blend a plain nonfat curd with fresh fruits in blender. If you want more sweetness in your smoothie then add honey.

Step 4:
If you are consuming curd in lunch then ensure that curd is lower in calories. Curd which is lower in calories can help you to lose weight. Use yogurt to lose weight.

Step 5:
To burn more calories you have to do some exercise daily. You can do swimming, running, cycling or walking; all these exercises can help you to lose weight.

What is the Greek Yogurt?

Greek yogurt is strain off the whey (that means the watery part of the milk which remains when milk is converted into curd) that makes the yogurt thick and creamy.

Is Greek Yogurt a Protein or a Carbohydrate ?

As Greek yogurt removing the whey, so it posses less sugar, lots of protein and fewer carbohydrate as compared to the normal curd. Why is Greek yogurt good for you? Greek yogurt is especially good for the people who are consuming yogurt diet plan lose weight because it has a higher source of satiating protein that helps a person to drop few pounds.

Greek Yogurt for Weight Loss

There are numerous benefits of Greek yogurt; mainly for them whose aim is weight loss. 6 ounces of nonfat Greek yogurt has 17 grams protein, 6 grams carbohydrates and 100 calories. Greek yogurt is considered as a best healthy yogurt to eat. Eating plain yogurt is beneficial but it would be great if you consume Greek yogurt for weight loss. Greek yogurt contained higher calories as compared to regular yogurt, you will avail more benefits from Greek yogurt’s high protein content. Greek yogurt serve several benefits, mainly when it is a matter of weight loss that include preservation of muscle mass, better hunger control and boost the calorie burning power.

Plain Yogurt Benefits

Plain curd has several benefits in weight loss and mainly curd helps to lose the weight around the stomach and waist area. Curd is rich in protein and calcium as well as low in fat and calories. When one talk about weight loss plans then protein and calcium rich food is always a part of it. Protein builds the muscle and keeps the hunger at bay. Calcium builds strong bones, break down body fats and boost the metabolism. Curds help to fill you up for a long span of time.

Eat 3 servings of best low fat yogurt for weight loss daily. You can eat curd in your lunch, breakfast or dinner. Moreover, you can consume curd as a snack.

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