Beauty Tips for Teenager

beauty products for teenage skin

Top tips for teenage skin

Teenage girls can often struggle when it comes to finding the ideal beauty routine, but there are a few popular quick-routes to perfect skin that can be more harmful than others.

If you’re a teenager, your skin is likely to be going through a variety of changes. Blackheads, excessive oils and acne are just a handful of problematic issues that you might be facing, but there are a number of ways in which you can help to get naturally clear skin.
Elise from Celebricious shares her top tips for caring for teenage skin:

1.  Drink water

As cliché as it may sound, drinking water is the best way to improve the condition of your skin.

Try to make a point of drinking the recommended amount of water each day (1.5 – 2L) in order to ensure that your body can flush out the harmful toxins kept within it.

Not only will regularly drinking water help to help you become healthier, but it can help to improve the appearance of your skin.

Many teenage girls suffer with dehydrated skin – a condition in which your skin looks dry and flaky – but increasing your water intake is able to make even the plumpest of skin look healthier!

2.  Cleanse your face thoroughly

Even if you aren’t a regular makeup wearer, it’s still important to cleanse your face thoroughly twice per day to rid your skin of dirt that may be clogged up in your pores.

A gentle anti-bacterial is the best option, especially when including tea tree ingredients that can help to calm the skin.

Cleansers containing salicylic acid is great for use in problem areas like the t-zone as active ingredients within the liquid are able to hand-pick the dirt from deep inside your pores.

3.  Never sleep in makeup

No matter how tired you may be once you climb into bed, you should always find time to remove any makeup that you’re wearing before you hit the sack.

At the very least, you should be using makeup removers to cleanse your face and follow-up using moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated, but a full skincare routine is ideal.

Developing a regular habit of sleeping in your makeup can lead to you developing spots and having unhealthy skin.

4.  Avoid sharing beauty items

Your best friend might have an amazing mascara that allows their lashes to reach the ends of the earth, but it’s wise to steer clear.

Sharing beauty products with your friends can spread bacteria and lead to infections; especially when it comes to eye makeup and lip products.

Mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and makeup brushes shouldn’t be shared. Your skin may suffer in the long-run!

4.  Wear Sun Cream

Although we run the risk of sounding like your mother, wearing sun cream is essential – even on cloudy days.

Instead of slathering your face in sun cream, you can get your daily SPF by using certain foundations. Check the label of your product to see if it contains protection against the sun.

Factor 15 is the recommended amount, but be careful when choosing a foundation to wear during flash photography. The chemicals can cause-flashbacks and over-expose your face.

Whether its acne or general problematic skin you’re suffering with, we’re sure that these tips will help to clear teenage skin in no time!

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