Best Home Remedies For Dark Circles Under Eyes

home remedies for dark circles under eyes

It is truly said that eyes can say a thousand words and if you have dark circles then it also tell a lot about your Daily Routine, Health and Lifestyle. Dark circle is mainly known as the dark mark of the skin under the area of eye and it is also known as dark shadows or dark rings.

What are the Reasons for Dark Circles ?

There are many reasons for dark circles and a few of them are lack of sleep, mental stress, physical stress, hormonal changes, heredity, disturbed lifestyle, working for long hours in front of a computer screen, prolonged crying, aging, dry skin, unhealthy diet and much more. It can affect women as well as men of any age group.

How to Remove Dark Circles  ?

Dark circles are not the serious skin problem but if it not treated on time then it will dull your appearances as well as person will look older, tired, exhausted and unhealthy. On the other hand, it will also lead to some major and serious health issues. Thus, it becomes very important to get rid of dark shadows. Whether you can try chemical contained products or home remedies, chemical contained products are not suitable for everyone and it might have some adverse effect, so it would be a best choice to opt home remedies to get rid of dark rings under the eye.

The people who have sensitive skin can try home remedies, it will surely help them. Here we list down some doable and easy home remedies through which you can get rid of dark rings.

Best Home Remedies for Dark Circles under Eyes –

1. Orange Juice

orange juice dark circle

It is an effective home remedy to get rid of dark rings. Orange juice will give natural look to your eyes as well as reduce the dark circle. Take some orange juice and mix it with few drops of glycerin then apply the mixture over the dark shadows, leave it for some time and then wash your eyes. Follow this procedure on regular basis to see the real difference.

2. Cold Tea Bags

Cold Tea Bags for Dark Circle

It is another simple method to reduce dark circle. You just have to soak a tea bag, mainly green tea bags in water then place it in refrigerator for some time to get chilled. After that, place the chilled tea bags over your eyes. To see the considerable difference, use this method on daily basis.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes for Dark Circle

Tomatoes are one of an excellent remedy to reduce dark circle as well as it make our skin soft, vibrant, glowing and supple. To get the benefit of tomatoes, you have to mix one teaspoon tomato juice and one teaspoon lemon juice, apply this mixture under your eyes and leave it for 10 minutes, after that rinse off with normal water. To get a positive output, apply this solution at least two times in a day. On the other hand, you can also drink tomato juice with mint leaves and lemon juice; this will also help you to reduce dark circles.

4. Cold Milk

Cold Milk for Dark Circle

Use cold milk on daily basis to diminish the dark circles as well as to make your skin and eyes calm and relax. Take a cold milk or iced water in a bowl, dip a cotton ball in a bowl for a while. After that, apply that cotton ball on the entire eye mainly on affected area, ensure that your entire eyes is completely covered. Keep the cotton balls on eye for some time then wash it with normal water.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric for Dark Circle

It is a spice which is available in every Indian kitchen and it has several health and skin benefits. Turmeric has anti oxidants and anti inflammatory properties that diminish the dark circle and make the skin around eyes smoother and softer. Take two teaspoon turmeric powder with pineapple juice and make a thick paste of it. Apply the mixture on affected area and leave it for 10 minutes and then remove it with the help of soft cotton cloth. For positive result, follow this procedure daily until you get desired result.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil for Dark Circle

Coconut oil is an effective home remedy to lessen the dark ring. Coconut has moisturizing quality as well as it prevent fine lines and wrinkles under eyes and promote soft and smooth skin. Massage with coconut oil on the affected area. Leave it for few hours then rinse it off. Repeat the same procedure two or three times in a day and just for few months.

7. Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice for Dark Circle

Lemon juice has several benefits. Lemon juice contained vitamin C and it is helpful in reducing the dark circles. Take a fresh lemon juice in a bowl, place a cotton ball in it and apply it around the eyes. Leave the solution for 10 minutes then wash it, follow this procedure once in a day for few months.

8. Rose Water

Rosewater for Dark Circle

Rose water can do lots of wonder for your skin, it is an incredible ingredient that reduces the dark rings as well as rejuvenates the skin plus make your skin and eyes fresh. Rose water is considered as a good skin toner. You just have to soak the cotton balls in rose water for a while then put that ball on your closed eyes for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure two times in a day and for few weeks.

9. Yoga & Meditation

Yoga for Dark Circle

The reason behind the dark circles are stress, hectic lifestyle, improper sleep and so on. If you are facing above conditions then home remedies will not work effectively. So making your mind cool and calm, you have to practice yoga and meditation regularly, it will balance your body and calming your soul, body and mind.

These are the few ways through which you can get rid of dark circles. It’s become quite important for us to take special care of our eyes because eye speaks alot and it can tell about our health, lifestyle and routine. Hence, follow the above methods which are too easy to opt in daily life.

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