Start Getting Rid of Stretch Marks Even After Giving Birth

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy – this is just about any new mother can take. Aside from the pressure of taking care of a new baby new mothers also have to deal with the challenges of shifting hormone levels and scratchy marks.

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Here are some of the best stretch marks removal options for every woman:

Stretch Marks Removal Creams

There are alot of stretch marks removal creams available in the market today. These creams are helpful, and they can lessen the marks and as well eliminate it entirely. These moisturizing creams contain oils and creams with vitamins that heal and help in maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin E contained in these creams helps in reducing the appearance of these ugly marks.

There are creams which contain cocoa butter and grapefruit extracts which can be helpful in masking the stretch marks. However, there have also been cases where skin allergies appear in some people.

Stretch marks removal lotions that contain AHAs (alpha hydroxyl acids) can also help in battling against these marks. AHA is a compound that is derived from certain fruits and is also known as fruit acids. Creams containing AHA helps in improving the texture of the skin and its color by improving cell regeneration.

It acts by removing the uppermost skin layer thereby allowing the healthier skin to come up to the surface area, which in turn helps in enhancing the appearance of the skin.

Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks Removal

Laser treatment is now being used for many skin problems including these unsightly marks. However, lasers cannot eliminate the marks completely; it will only help to mask. With the use of lasers, the skin is loosened first which causes inflammation in the middle layers of the skin, thus prompting the body to create new tissues. It’s not just a one-time treatment; it requires 6 to 7 sessions. There could be some other factors related to the skin color and type.

These 2 methods of stretch mark removal have become increasingly popular over time. Nonetheless, both these treatments cannot assure 100% satisfactory results. Stretch marks can be tough to treat. It’s very expensive to consider undergoing laser treatments. Also, the results are not always encouraging as it depends on the person. Also, it has too many side effects that include blistering, bruising and swelling of the affected parts.

Oils for stretch marks removal for women after giving birth

#1.  Bio Oil

Bio oil is a combination of natural herbal extracts such as rosemary and calendula, and vitamin E and A oils, using a delivery system known as PurCellin Oil, which is an oil based on the preen oil of ducks. This combination makes Bio Oil a lot more ‘skin friendly’ than other oils, meaning it is rapidly and deeply absorbed by the skin.

Bio Oil is known to be particularly effective in reducing the appearance of relatively new or fresh stretch marks and is also great as a preventative for striae. It is safe to use during pregnancy and has published clinical trials to back it up. As far as oil for stretch marks go, Bio Oil is one of the most popular and has a good reputation for effectiveness.

#2.  Emu Oil

emu oil


Emu Oil is an oil for stretch marks and other scars made from the fat of the Emu, a bird native to Australia. This oil has been in use by the Australian natives for healing wounds, burns and bruises for centuries. It has been determined to be very effective for stretch marks, and there is some scientific research to back this up.

There is, however, a warning that must go oil with Emu Oil stretch marks formulation.The industry has been tainted by several unscrupulous dealers selling a product that is either low in potency or not the real deal at all, and the product has been highlighted by the world Food and Drug Administration as an area of concern.

This product can be very effective, but please do your research and make sure you are getting pure Emu Oil from a trustworthy and recommended vendor.

#3.  Vitamin E Oil

This oil for stretch marks is the active ingredient in both the above treatments and the antioxidant in charge of regulating skin cells, and protects skin from ultraviolet light, pollution, and other external damage, and encourages healing, regeneration, and the production of collagen, the protein that is sparse in stretch mark scarring.

For this reason, many people prefer to cut to the chase and apply vitamin E oil directly to their striae scarred areas. One little secret that is doing the rounds of the pregnancy discussion boards and social groups is rather than buying vitamin E oil formulated for skin applications or expensive vitamin E oils.

Many women have as good or even better results by buying the cheap gelcap version of the vitamin E supplements meant to be taken orally, and picking the capsule with a pin, squeezing out the oil and massaging it into stretch marks. This is an excellent method of getting an internal and external dose of this important antioxidant, with the combined benefits of being cheaper and likely purer than any creams or skin formulations on the market.

#4.  Almond Oil

This can make the skin smoother and softer. This can be used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. It can help moisturize dry skin and nourish it. This oil doesn’t promote skin irritation and inflammation. This is the most common treatment for skin problems.

#5.  Blackthorn Oil

This oil can also prevent stretch marks. It is not too fatty and comes with a pleasant smell. This can also help even skin tone and make the skin more elastic. Not only that it can improve skin’s elasticity, but it can also strengthen the skin naturally.

#6.  Rose Hip Oil

rosehip oil

This oil is effective in fighting stretch marks and eliminating skin scars. It is rich in Vitamin C, antioxidant and fatty acids. The best thing about this oil is it absorbs quickly into the skin nourishing it from the inside. It keeps the skin hydrated, healthy, and can make the skin look younger. The ingredients from this oil are essential for skin regeneration.

There are many new and innovative methods and oils for stretch mark removal that can be tried. Traditional treatments such as cocoa butter and olive oil massage are still considered some of the best ways to help prevent these marks from appearing in the first place


Author Bio
Nancy Shaw is the founder of HiFiveBaby where she writes about common problems encountered by parents and how to deal with them, motherhood in general and FAQs about babies, toddlers and kids. She provides scientific and medical basis and also her personal experience as a mom to a wonderful toddler. Now you can explore the joy of parenthood with ease! You can also find her on Twitter

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